Nominations from PNM’s San Fernando East unit are hardly likely to be in hand before early next month, PNM officials indicated yesterday. San Fernando East recently agreed to comply with the PNM leadership’s directive to have its party groups submit nominations for the candidacy. This, after protracted discussions between the leadership and the unit on the issue since November 10.
The unit had asked MP Patrick Manning to assess his health and address the unit on January 2 on if his health allowed him to contest before submitting nominations. The unit said it would be difficult for groups to submit nominations, currently due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, and suggested waiting until Manning’s January 2 address before starting screening on January 3.
The leadership repeatedly stipulated nominations should be in by December 22 and San Fernando East eventually complied. PNM general secretary Ashton Ford had instructed the unit on Monday to comply and notify party groups to submit nominees in seven days. These are sent to the general secretary and constituency executive.
Balisier House officials said yesterday Ford was overseas on vacation, due back in early January, and not expected in office until around January 6. They said any nominations might be received by PNM’s assistant general secretary Daniel Dookie. San Fernando East’s executive met with chairmen and secretaries of the 38 party groups yesterday to distribute nomination forms.
Officials said PNM’s constitution stated groups must have a minimum of seven days to submit nominations and that period would end on Christmas Day — not December 22 — with New Year’s holidays right after. They said the constitution did not give any maximum period by which to give nominations. Officials said they therefore did not anticipate any nominations submitted until early January, around the same time the unit had proposed.
They added: “Nothing might happen before January 2, so the leadership’s order to comply has actually given everyone a win/win situation. “We have complied with their directive and they will have their wish and nominees will be forthcoming when work starts again and everyone is available,” Sources close to Manning said he was undergoing his health assessment next week with a US doctor who was coming to T&T to examine him.
A Cuban doctor or local doctor may also examine him. They said at least two opinions were necessary for his decision.