Alliance of Independents (AOI) (Third Force Movement) member Gary Griffith has lauded People’s National Movement (PNM) leader Dr Keith Rowley for what Griffith says was “pulling up” the party’s Laventille West candidate Fitzgerald Hinds on the latter’s recent “cesspit” remark about Third Force Movement (TFM) chairman Timothy Hamel-Smith.
“That is the sort of leadership needed,” Griffith said on Rowley’s action.
At the PNM’s Morvant meeting last week Hinds, Rowley and other PNM speakers had slammed TFM’s entry, saying it would split votes. Hinds, pelting blistering picong at TFM, playing on the word “force” and alluding to constipation, also said TFM’s symbol should be Hamel-Smith “on a cesspit in Westmoorings with a can of Flit in his hand killing cockroaches.”
AOI, which is a member of TFM, later chastised Hinds and the PNM for the remark. But Griffith said Hinds on an i95.5 radio interview last Saturday reportedly said people had voiced concerns and Rowley had called him in and said he (Hinds) was rough in the way he handled the situation. Griffith said Hinds apologised. He said Rowley didn’t make a public statement on his action with Hinds. PNM chairman Franklin Khan didn’t answer calls on the development.
But Griffith said: “We commend Dr Rowley for this type of leadership because at this time that is the kind of leadership we need where people can rein in and pull up their lieutenants when necessary since negative platform talk is affecting T&T. This can filter down to supporters and divide T&T.
“This sort of action by Dr Rowley in seeking to correct people when they go too far is necessary. In this election, it cannot be that it is a matter of doing anything necessary to win. We cannot continue to have the kind of remarks about the ‘Calcutta ship’ and ‘alligators’ and ‘cesspits’.”
Contacted yesterday, Hinds declined to speak of the reported radio interview, save to say: “Once they (AOI Griffith/TFM) are happy, I’m happy.” TFM’s Hamel-Smith said he hadn’t heard the interview.
Logo lodged with EBC
Hamel-Smith said there were no problems with TFM’s symbol which had been approved last week by the Elections and Boundaries Commission. He said TFM was meeting yesterday with the Scouts Association on an issue the group had with TFM’s symbol but he said he didn’t expect the issue to be a problem as both sides would speak.
Meanwhile, outgoing Congress of the People Tunapuna MP Winston Dookeran says he will not be going with the TFM. Dookeran confirmed that when asked about speculation that he may be guesting at TFM’s Tunapuna meeting next Wednesday. He said: “No, no, no.” Dookeran recently announced he was bowing out of politics. His colleague, outgoing San Fernando West MP Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan didn’t reply to calls yesterday on high speculation she would be supporting or assisting TFM following her decision to be out of the election race on a COP ticket.