The rift between the T&T Debates Commission (TTDC) and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s negotiator Larry Lalla has widened, with Lalla now accusing the body of being “biased and incompetent.”
“If their explanation is true, that they wrote to me and stated the July 30 date had been ‘decided,’ but wrote separately to the PNM and said the date was only ‘proposed,’ then it brings their impartiality into serious question,” Lalla said yesterday.
“I appreciate that they are in a difficult position, as there are only two possible explanations of their reversal of their decision of a 30 July date.
“They are either incompetent or biased. Neither explanation reflects well on them.”
He added, “It is bizarre that they claim to be an independent body and to be negotiating with debate participants in good faith, but yet they are now peddling dates in late August.
“I have specifically indicated to them that the Prime Minister is unavailable in August. This again seriously questions their impartiality and credibility.”
Lalla’s strong charges came shortly after the TTDC held a news conference yesterday to clear the air on the confusion surrounding the date for the “Great Debate” it planned between Persad-Bissessar and Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley.
Noting that his integrity was being brought into question by the TTDC’s explanation, Lalla said, “The TTDC cannot deny with any credibility that they are the ones that fixed the July 30 date. I have an email dated July 3 from Loraine O’Connor to so prove.”
Lalla offered a copy of the email as evidence.
He asked, “Are they really so careless that they don’t double check the correspondence they send to the representative of a political leader on such an important matter?
“I regret their false claim that the notion of a 30 July debate originated with the People’s Partnership.
“The record in the public domain shows that such date originated with their email, which stated a decision had been taken to hold a debate on that date.
“I regret too their false claim that in some way I broke an agreement of confidentiality. To so state is offensive and wrong.”
Lalla said he gave no undertaking to keep the date confidential and if it was meant to be kept from the public, O’Connor’s email did not say so.
He said in the circumstances it was best if the TTDC departed the field, since it had lost all credibility and had proven to be partial and incompetent.
Earlier in the day, in another press release, Lalla said, “We have lost faith in the Debates Commission.”
He also questioned the TTDC’s ability to arbitrate and set up a debate.
Lalla said the PM has agreed to participate in the July 30 debate organised by CNMG and challenged Rowley to take part as well.