Ag CoP concerned about absent fathers
Acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams urged fathers to become more involved in their children’s lives, providing a steady diet of spiritual and emotional support, so that fewer young people will...
View ArticleRomance, yes, marriage, no way!
My name is George Austin and I sell fresh roses and gift baskets on the roadside twice a year. I’m from Arima. I living there 30-something years. And I reach quite West Mall twice a year, every year:...
View ArticleDuke wants to know why police pointed their guns at marchers
Why did the police aim their guns at unarmed citizens as they attempted to take part on Friday’s Labour Day celebrations? This was the question asked today by PSA president Watson Duke as he was...
View ArticlePrisons boss wary of hit man
Commissioner of Prisons Sterling Stewart is advising his fellow prison officers to be vigilant after members of the service received substantial information about a hit man who was hired to “kill”...
View ArticleUnconfirmed reports of sickout by seniors
Following a violent confrontation between prison officers and prisoners at the Remand Yard section of the Golden Grove Prison, Arouca, last week, prisons officers have been staying away from work,...
View ArticleBIR workers: We were bypassed
Colleagues were pitted against each other yesterday as a group of staff members from the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) began their lawsuit challenging the organisation’s promotion procedure. Almost two...
View ArticleMother hides as son murdered ‘He was threatened in the past’
Hiding behind her closed bedroom door, Celia Maxwell listened as an intruder broke into her home and murdered her youngest son early yesterday morning.When she finally crawled out of her room sometime...
View ArticleSenior cop in ganja find fiasco sent on leave
Acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams has reportedly sent head of the Special Branch, Snr Supt Gary Gould, on immediate pre-retirement leave.This is the latest in the saga surrounding the...
View ArticleFleeing killer shot by cops
Minutes after stabbing Roopnarine Seepersad to death, a 23-year-old Couva man was shot during a standoff with Central Division police yesterday.According to a report, Seepersad, 51, of Carli Bay,...
View ArticleTHA in $5.7bn budget
Delivering his second budget presentation, themed Continued Delivery in Challenging Times, Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Finance Secretary Joel Jack focused on issues of crime and tourism, both of...
View ArticleWhen sport becomes art
There are no shortcuts to long-term development. Sport like anything else in life is an amalgamation of skills. The way to proficiency must be long, winding and difficult. To take a straight path would...
View ArticleCIBC FirstCaribbean helps Alta tackle literacy
With a consistent focus on education, CIBC FirstCaribbean has made a donation to the Adult Literacy Tutors Association (Alta) to assist the organisation with providing the only comprehensive,...
View ArticleHe offered me $.25m to lie
Special Reserve Police Officer Jitnarine Hardeen is denying outright that it is his voice heard on a recording played for the media by Independent Liberal Party (ILP) leader Jack Warner yesterday....
View ArticlePM, Hardeen lash Jack
Immediate dismissals from Jitnarine Hardeen and the Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. That’s what embattled Independent Liberal Party (ILP) leader Jack Warner received yesterday following his...
View ArticleBurst WASA main causes gridlock
The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) must do overhaul work on its old mains to avoid them rupturing and causing inconvenience to commuters. So said chairman of the Diego Martin Regional Corporation...
View ArticleCops blaming cops for low detection rate
The failure of the Police Service to investigate properly major crimes is the main reason given by the Police Social and Welfare Association for its opposition to a move to buy out the vacation leave...
View ArticleGokool puts matter in lawyers’ hands
Kristyan Gokool has declined to comment on the alleged scandal involving himself and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, saying the matter was now in the hands of his attorneys for “appropriate...
View ArticleRowley wants ‘urgent probe’
Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday said that tapes played by Independent Liberal Party leader Jack Warner warranted “urgent police attention” to determine the veracity of the information.“To...
View ArticleProtective Services: You can lean on us
National Security Minister Carlton Alfonso says a combined effort will be made among the protective services and the Prisons Service to protect prisons officers.He was speaking in the wake of several...
View ArticleNatuc blames police for Labour Day fiasco
General secretary of the National Trade Union Centre ( Natuc) Michael Annisette says the Labour Day fiasco at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad, between its unions and those of the Joint Trade Union...
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